Bella Are you pregnant or planning to be?
And is knowing the best quality holistic wellness information for your Pregnancy, Birth and Baby a top priority to you??
If yes, then you may wish to be an attend the upcoming MATERNITY NATURAL HEALTH SYMPOSIUM at the Novotel Ellerslie Hotel in Auckland on Sunday 22nd March, hosted by IIMHCO [Intl Integrative Maternity HealthCare Org].
…this is a rare opportunity when the Public can sit alongside leading Obstetricians, Midwives and Natural Health experts to learn from top specialists in multiple fields of maternity holistic wellness and perinatal integrative medicine.
LIMITED SEATS – Book soon!
Date: Mar 22, 2020.
Event Timing: 0830 – 1700
Gala Dinner: 1900
Venue: Novotel Ellerslie Hotel, Auckland