
Post Natal Doula – Mothering the mother…

“I knew I was pregnant but why didn’t anyone tell me I was going to have a baby?” Anon
For the past eleven years of owning and running the Bella Mama Pregnancy Spa and Wellness Centre I have noticed a pattern emerging. Pregnant mothers doing everything right with regards to caring for themselves during their pregnancies and planning every meticulous detail of their births yet left shocked, overwhelmed and exhausted by the first few weeks post-partum with their new babies.

In my own experience I was totally blind-sided by the arrival of my beautiful son sixteen years ago. After a long protracted labour I felt completely unprepared to care for this little person who depended on me for his every need. Although I had support around me I thought that I was meant to do it all myself and wondered why I wasn’t enjoying those first few weeks of motherhood as much as everyone told me I should be. “You have a beautiful baby, you must be so happy!” Instead I often felt exhausted, inept and overwhelmed.

How can we bring peace and joy into the life of a newborn mother in the first weeks and months following the birth of her baby?

The Sacred Window

““Pregnancy and Birth as well as the 24/7 on call in early postpartum require so much from the maternal physical body nutrients that the more electrochemical and subtle medicines, willpower, and psychology are not as effective or lasting and cost much more money and time than just nurturing Mom deeply.”— Dr. Jessie Mercay

In traditional cultures the world over the same post-partum rituals and practices are observed. For the first month to six weeks after birth a new mother is nurtured, fed and cared for by those around her so that she in turn can nurture and care for her newborn baby – a job that is 24/7.

“In the first six weeks following birth, a newborn mother only has two jobs, “To fall in love with her baby and to learn how to breast-feed ” Julia Jones – Newborn Mothers Collective.

My role as a Post-Partum doula is to ‘mother the mother’ nurturing you at home with a range post-partum traditions including

  • Post-natal massage with aromatic oils
  • Belly binding
  • Baby massage lessons
  • Post-natal yoga and deep relaxation exercises
  • Breast-feeding support
  • Nourishing home cooked food & nutritional advice
  • Helping to create your ‘village’
  • Practical and emotional support

To find out more I invite you and your partner to book a complimentary one hour clarity session to discuss your post-partum goals and challenges and set a plan to ensure that the first few weeks following your birth are a time of peace, joy and comfort. To book call me on 021 415893 or send an email.

A massage therapist for 21 years and a yoga teacher for sixteen, I have owned and run the Bella Mama Pregnancy Spa & Wellness Centre since 2005. My lifes work is supporting mothers, babies and families throughout the joyous yet challenging time that is the childbirth year. My wish is that all mothers throughout the world are supported, honored and cared for so that they can do the important work of nurturing and loving their children. It is my belief that mothers and babies who are born into a space of peace, love and respect will in turn bring that into the world, changing it for the better.

Jo Hogan
Bella Mama Pregnancy Spa & Wellness Centre
Post-partum doula/yoga teacher/massage therapist

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