Tania’s Story – Chris arrives in the water.

Hi Jo,

Yes, our little boy has finally arrived! While he was determined to take his time, once he had decided it was time to grace us with his presence he did not muck about.

Chris arrived on Sunday night after only 5 1/2 hours of labour. Was watching the olympics and was having a few period like pains for about 1 min long every 10 mins.

At about 5pm they increase and caught my attention. John started timing and they were 2 mins long every 5 mins so we phoned the midwife to let her know that things were happening. 30 mins later and another call to the midwife as the contractions were speeding along. Midwife called to visit and I was now 5cm dilated. She suggested a quick trip into Birthcare. From what I’ve been told we were out to break the land speed record on the way there – not that I knew. 30 mins to Birthcare and I was now 8cm dilated and my water finally broke.

I jumped into the birthing pool and used the gas while going from 8 to 10cm and then it was time to push. I don’t really remember too much other than I wish i could have had more of that gas!!  Chris arrived at 10:40pm via a water birth and it was cuddles time with our new 7lb 6oz boy. The placenta was delivered and I felt a huge relief!

I had a heap of different options in my “toolbox” however I really only got to use 2 – the hip circling [belly dancing] while standing up, bent over, kneeling and the chanting.

Now I will admit that during the yoga class I was very self conscious about making any noise, but I can assure you that I “aaaaaah”ed and “moooo”ed heaps and loud too!

The other thing that was firmly planted in my memory was Jo saying “keep the jaw relaxed and the pelvic floor will be relaxed” so this is what I concentrated on.

Plenty of rest too as it is quite draining – but well worth it.

Thanks so much Jo for all your help, support and fantastic massages – they definitely helped to ensure I was in the best possible shape for giving birth.

Look forward to catching up with everyone in the Mums and Baby yoga class.


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